Office: C5b/-118

I am currently a researcher at CREAF and a full professor at Ecology Unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a researcher at CREAF.

Much of my research is in the field of applied ecology. One of the main focuses of my research is the biology of conservation. I am currently collaborating with management teams in different natural areas of Catalonia with the aim of improving the conservation of endangered or protected species of flora and fauna.

I investigate the effects of different types of forest management and disturbances such as drought and fires on the composition, structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. I also coordinate and participate in different types of initiatives related to education for gender equality, transdisciplinarity, social and environmental justice, sustainability, science, green education and nonviolent conflict resolution.



Causal and phylogenetic statistical analysis, Applied ecology

Mediterranean systems’ response to fire, Mediterranean systems’ response to drought