Has been part of 29 CREAF projects Projects involved in AquaINFRA Infrastructure for marine and inland water research Research groups this member belongs to Grumets Related linksOTHER PUBLICATIONS GRUMETS MiraMon La meva tesina La meva tesi doctoral Scopus l.pesquer@creaf.uab.cat935812666Office: C5b/026orcid profile researchergate profile researcherid profile I’m researcher at CREAF and GRUMETS research group. PhD in Geography at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), MSc in Computational Science at the UAB, and BS in Physics at the University of Barcelona.The main research interests are spatial analysis, geostatistics applied to remote sensing (RS) and to climate time series, innovative algorithms in RS processing and RS applications to land cover dynamics and monitoring of water resources.I’m participating in two GEOSS H2020 projects (SMURBS ERA-Planet and E-SHAPE) one Copernicus H2020 (WaterForCE) and ESA CCI project (High Resolution Land Cover). I coordinated the H2020 WaterInnEU project and I was Advisory board member of FreeWAT and WIDEST, Water &ICT H2020 projects. I’m associate Lecturer (Geography Dept. UAB) in Geography, Smart Cities and Environmental Science degrees, also in RS and GIS master at the UAB). Interests Spatial analysis, Remote sensing, Parallelism of algorithms, SIGGeostatistics, High performance computing