I am PhD in Biological sciences by the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) in Spain. Since 2014 I'm senior CSIC researcher doing my research at CREAF. I'm an associate researcher at the Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) and at the Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO). I have conducted research in leading institutions in Spain, Finland, Canada, Australia, USA and France and I have been associated editor of Diversity & Distributions, the Ibis and Nature Conservation.

Global change is a combination of rapid environmental changes at the global scale involving significant threats to human societies and ecological systems. Understanding and predicting the impacts of the different components of global change –such as climate or land use change and the interactions between them– on ecological communities is currently one of the major challenges to science.

The approach that me and my research group are taking, aims to cover this need in terrestrial agro-forestry systems and it is based on the integration of different approaches ranging from ecology, statistical, landscape and species distribution modelling to remote sensing science. Unravelling the causes of past changes in biodiversity patterns under environmental change (land abandonment, landscape fragmentation, climate change, agricultural intensification and changes in the disturbance regimes such as fires) allows the critical and adequate calibration and development of models of future ecosystem response to further change.

Since April 2024 I am a member of the Scenarios and models task force of the IPBES, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.


Citizen science, Landscape modelling, Decision theory, Ornithology

Global change biology, Mediterranean landscape ecology, Biodiversity monitoring and indicator development, Species distribution modelling development and application, Prioritisation in conservation biology