Has been part of 1 CREAF projects Projects involved in LOCOMOTION Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability Related linksDesprés de tot jsole@icm.csic.esorcid profile researchergate profile researcherid profile Dr. Jordi Solé is a senior researcher in the fields of climate, environment, ecology and energy. He holds a degree in Physical Sciences from University of Barcelona and a PhD in Applied Physics by the Politechnic University of Catalonia. Scientist at ICM-CSIC and Associated Researcher at CREAF. Currently is the coordinator of MEDEAS .H2020 project (www.medeas.eu). His research focuses in: - Physical processes in ocean: dynamics of the mixed layer, instabilities and numerical modeling of regional circulation models (ROMS). - Marine ecology: study of harmful algal blooms and physical-biological interactions using numerical modeling. - Energy resources analysis and modeling. çSince December 2022 he is a member of the Committee of Experts on Climate Change of the Parliament of Catalonia. Since 2009 he has an outreach blog in Catalan on energy/environment related issues (with more than 150000 viewed pages) and gives informative talks about the importance of the effects of energy and climate on society, on which he has published several articles and has participated in various news media (radio, television and print) talking about energy crisis, climate change and its implications for society.