938451282 - 1920
Office: C5b/-118

After working in oceanography for several years, my research activity has focussed on the ecology and conservation of butterflies. Since 1994 I’m the coordinator of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS), a biodiversity monitoring network consisting of over a hundred recording sites that provide standardized data on butterfly abundance on a weekly basis. The CBMS is coordinated from the Museu de Granollers-Ciències Naturals, and has the support of the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. I use this database to investigate patterns of diversity and the response of butterfly communities towards global change. My research has also a special focus on the migration of Lepidoptera, butterfly parasitism and the evolution of hostplant preferences in butterfly populations.


Butterfly ecology, Bioindicators, Insect migration

Butterfly ecology, Global change effects on biodiversity, Migration of Lepidoptera